Given that take care of a cats are among the cleanest creatures there are, this task may seem unnecessary to some. Similar to how we notice a cat, it is either leaping to great heights like Spiderman or grooming itself by licking itself. However, some cats may struggle to groom themselves, and even those that can may find it difficult to reach certain body areas. Grooming has advantages beyond appearances as well. Among them are
1. circulation of blood
2. enhanced tone of the muscles.
3. improved fur insulation.
4. stimulation of the glands at the coat’s base to provide waterproofing and skin protection.
5. uniform distribution of sebum, a fatty acid mixture that keeps their skin supple.
Additionally, the saliva produced during grooming helps Consistent the coat cool. Let’s delve into ways you can help with their Hair Care considering its many advantages.
The Best Way to Mop a Long-Haired Cat
To keep a long-haired coat sleek and glossy, everyday maintenance is necessary. This is your grooming guide for them.
- Brushing: Gently brush your cat’s fur with a smooth, long-toothed brush. Work your way down to the undercoat after finishing the top layer. Take care not to pull on any twisted or knotted hair. Practice this every day.
- Trimming: It would be a good idea to give excessively long hair a little haircut. Legs and the area below the belly should be trimmed since they are more likely to get knotted. It is advisable to clip the hair surrounding the anus to prevent excrement from sticking to the fur.
- Bathing: Long-haired cats might not require a daily bath. Depending on your cat’s lifestyle, once a week or twice a month should be enough. Bathe your cat in warm water using a cat-specific shampoo. Afterwards, dry it with a low-heat dryer.
A lack of regular grooming can lead to various issues for cats with long hair. Among them are
- Matting
- Hairballs
- Skin infections
- Fleas and ticks
- Overheating
How to Take Care of Your Own Cat
To groom your cat at home, follow the same procedures for brushing, washing, and clipping. You can perform additional hygiene checks on your cat at home in addition to these. Among them are
- Cleaning Ears: Cats may find it challenging to clean their own ears. Additionally, cats are more prone to ear infections. Gently wipe the inside of the ears with a soft cloth dipped in ear cleaner. Nothing should be inserted into the ear canal.
- Nail trimming: Longhaired cats are more prone to developing paw pad mats, making it essential to regularly trim their nails. Only use a cat-clipper, and take care not to damage the nail’s internal vein. (You have experienced the sensation of slightly over chopping your nails.)
- Brushing teeth: A pet grooming regimen must include dental hygiene. To keep your cat’s teeth clean, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and cat toothpaste.
- Tail grooming: Untangle all of the knots on the tail with the hair comb. Clear the fur around the base of the tail of any dirt.
And while you’re doing all this, do not forget to check your cat’s skin for signs of irritation, redness, or flaking. Sometimes, they can be symptoms of an underlying medical condition.
How to Clean a Cat Who Hates Bathing
These are some grooming techniques to utilize if your cat is not the type that uses their grooming time to relax and enjoy themselves.
- Choose a rubber glove brush, a pin brush, or a brush with soft bristles first. A rough one could agitate your cat and tug at its coat.
- Remain joyful, kind, and composed. Yelling at your cat while grooming them in a grumpy manner can make them fearful.
- Before trying to groom your cat, put the brush on the floor to see if it shows any signs of being wary of unfamiliar objects. Allow your cat to feel comfortable with it by rubbing its body against it. Offering your cat a reward each time it brushes against the brush is another way to bribe them.
- After applying a few brushstrokes, observe your cat’s response before beginning again.
- You can move on to the larger parts, such as the head, tummy, and legs. once your cat appears comfortable with you brushing it.
- Once you have mastered cat brushing, you can proceed to more dental and ear cleaning. Treats or toys that aid in tooth cleaning may be taken into consideration if your cat is reluctant to brush their teeth.
Keep in mind that when you begin brushing your cat, it is normal for them to react somewhat erratically at first. Give it some time, and the next day, try again. If your cat has several mattings or tangles in their fur, it is advisable to let a veterinarian or professional groomer handle them.
How to Stop My Cat from Over-Grooming
Considering that cats typically devote half their time to grooming and identification,. When your cat is overgrooming, it can be challenging. However, behaviors like excessive chewing, biting, or scratching could indicate an underlying medical issue. Excessive licking may result in hair loss on their inner legs, abdomen, and back. In addition to stress, boredom, allergies, infections, and pain, your cat may be overgrooming itself. Here are some pointers to prevent that: (2)
- Keep a schedule; cats adore routines. Possessing one will lessen the likelihood that your cat will become stressed and overgroom as a result.
- To prevent boredom, play with your cat and provide it with constant physical and mental stimulation.
- If your cat is over-grooming, do not yell or chastise it. This could make you feel more stressed.
Take the cat to the veterinarian to see if there is an underlying condition causing the excessive grooming if it does not stop after one to two days.
Can a Short-Haired Cat Be Groomed?
Compared to long-haired cats like Birman, Maine Coon, Siberian, Balinese, Himalayan, etc., short-haired cats like American Shorthair, Devon Rex, Scottish Fold, etc. have different grooming requirements. Short-haired animals have a lower likelihood of padding. Nevertheless, it is crucial to brush them to prevent hairballs, reduce shedding, and preserve the coat’s gloss. Here’s what you can do to do that:
- Locate a peaceful area.
- Look for evidence of fleas, ticks, or other parasites on your cat.
- Using a flea comb, begin softly combing over the hairs.
- Give special care to the belly, tail, ears, and neck.
- To get rid of any fleas, ticks, or eggs, use tweezers or a tissue.
- Now, gently brush your cat’s fur in the direction of growth with the standard brush.
- After every stroke, clean the brush of any dirt or debris.
After that, you can continue by using the previously mentioned procedures to clean your teeth, ears, and nails. This can be done weekly, as short-haired cats do not require daily grooming.
Additional Information About Spot Pet Insurance
For a variety of reasons, some cats might not even adequately groom themselves. These consist of advanced age, disease, stress, obesity, etc. This emphasizes how crucial it is for you to groom your cat in accordance with the breed’s requirements as a responsible pet parent. The following illnesses may arise if appropriate and sufficient grooming is not practiced: (1)
- swelling or redness in the ears.
- Blood blisters, ear infections, and ear mites.
- tooth loss, receding gums, and gingivitis.
- Salivary cysts, rodent ulcers, periodontitis, etc.
Regular grooming can aid in the prevention of many illnesses, but there are other potential causes as well. Sometimes the cost of treating them can really eat into your money. Up to 90% of the expense of treatment may be avoided with pet health insurance.
When it comes to their pets’ health and wellbeing, cat insurance helps to give pet parents extra financial support and peace of mind. Pet parents who have a Spot plan can get up to 90% in cash back on qualified veterinary expenditures. In this manner, pet owners may concentrate on providing for and nurturing their animals.
Additionally, Spot’s provides add-ons for preventative care, which can assist in defraying. The eligible expenses of immunizations, dental cleanings, spaying and neutering, and other routine care procedures.